
    Erol Köymen

    Music Scholar


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    Humanities Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, University of Chicago

    I am a scholar of music and sound whose work focuses on listening,embodiment, and the politics of urban belonging in the modern Middle East. I completed my PhD in ethnomusicology at the University of Chicago in August 2022. Previously, I received a master's degree in musicology at the University of Texas at Austin and undergraduate study in voice and philosophy at Vanderbilt University.

  • Writing

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    2023 “Provincializing Acoustics, Feeling Europe: Heritage and Sonic Atmosphere in Istanbul,” World of Music. Forthcoming, December 2023.


    2023 “’Really, we should have been playing saz ina little room ...’: New Wave Turkish Migrants and Counterpathwaysof Incorporation in Berlin,” Ethnomusicology 67/1: 72-95.


    2021 “Olağanüstü Altyapı: İstanbul’da Klasik Müzik,Elitler, ve Aidiyet,” Müziğin Kimlikli Halleri, ed. Özlem DoğuşVarlı, Etnomüzikoloji Derneği Yayınları: 43-53.


    2017 From coups that silenceEzan-s to Ezan-s that Silence Coups! Sonic Resistance to the 2016 Turkish MilitaryCoup,” Current Musicology 101: 99-124.

    • Mentioned in July 14,2022 article in France 24, “Call to prayer merges Turkish politics with art.”

    2014 “An Exercise in Musical Mediation: Hasan Ferid Alnar’s Prelude and Two Dances.” Zaytoon 14/1: 43-58.

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    Public Facing (recent)


    2023 “İyisiyle Kötüsüyle Titreşimle Yaşamak,” April issue of Konser Arkası

    2023 “Müzikolog Nedir?,“ February issue of Konser Arkası

    2022 “Bruckner’i Sevmek, ya da, Ölümden Çağrılar,” December issue of Konser Arkası.

    2022 “ÇokSesli bir Müzik Tarihi?” October issue of Konser Arkası.

    2022 “CoğrafyayıNasıl Dinliyoruz? Can Çakmur’dan bir Davet,” August issue of Konser Arkası                         


    2022 “Herkes Etnomüzikolog Olsun,” June issue of Konser Arkası.


    2022 “GeleceğinSanat Eseri Mi?,” February issue of Music Hall.

    2021 BaşbaşaKalmak,” December issue of Music Hall.


    2021 “AKMbir Prizmadır,” November issue of Music Hall.


    2021 “Meriç Soylu: Müstesna bir Dinleyici,” Sanattan Yansımalar (online arts journal), November 6.



  • Current Projects

    Secular Bodies: The Acoustics of Secularity and Belonging in Quasi-colonial Istanbul


    This book breaks new ground in the study of MENA musical modernity. The project draws on over two years of
    ethnographic fieldwork supported by research grants from Fulbright Hays, Fulbright IIE, DAAD, the German Orient-Institut Istanbul, and the American Research Institute in Turkey to examine how practices of listening to Western classical music shape secular bodily attunements, democratic aspirations, and modes of urban belonging in Istanbul under Turkey’s Islamic populist regime. This project opens new territory by bringing together interdisciplinary literatures on listening and secular embodiment in music studies, sound studies, and
    anthropology. Moreover, it charts a new pathway through Turkish and Middle Eastern musical modernity as the first major ethnographic study of Western art music and the legacy of the Turkish Music Revolution.

  • Contact

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